Sunday, May 6, 2018

Saddleback College students organize candidate forum

Saddleback students gathered in the Science and Math lecture hall Tuesday afternoon in an event organized by the Associated Student Government and the Pre-Law Society to engage in dialogue with candidates running in the primary elections. 

With over 200 students and members of the community in attendance, the audience heard candidates running for congress, district attorney, Orange County sheriff and U.S. Senate answers questions about gun regulations, education, immigration, homelessness and income inequality. 

Candidates at the forum included Mike Levin, Doug Applegate, Katie Porter, Dave Min, Hans Keirstead, Derrick Michael Reid, Duke Nguyen, Lenore L. Albert and Suzie Price who represented Tony Rackauckas. According to Saddleback College law professor Emily Quinlan, all local candidates running for congress as well as the incumbents were invited to the forum . 

The event was emceed by members of both the Associated Student Government and the Pre-Law Society and included questions from audience members. Students were also able to interact with candidates after the forum to learn more about their stances as candidates asked the students how they could best serve them. 

“I thought the event was very informative and productive to give a good number of individuals from the new generation an inside look to these candidates’ views and outlooks on what change we want for this country,” said Bret Landen, a student who attended the forum. 

Throughout the event, the audience was continuously encouraged to vote in the primary and general elections. Attendees were able to register to vote at the voter registration booth and were encouraged by the candidates to consider volunteering or interning for their respective campaigns to develop a greater insight of the political process. 

"It is important for students to go to to events like this," said Perry Meade, one of the lead organizers of the event. "Students need to be educated voters and become involved in the political process because they decide the fate of our present and future." 

Students listening to congressional candidate Mike Levin. 

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